Monday, March 27, 2006

I am sooo excited! Becki from Florida emailed me a couple of days ago to show me the Tampax ad shown here that was for sale on ebay and I bought it! I love the image of the woman leading the skipping kids! The ad is from 1969...The same year I was born!! Tampax was ahead of its skipping time. :-)

Becki also included the following skipping update....

My skipping is going well!!! Also I bought a book on getting fit using meditation and I am learning the basics. I really am feeling better and I want to clear the clutter out of my life and be free for real, I tend to skip around pretending like I feel free and have all the self esteem in the world. and I guess that is a start. I'm taking steps to really letting go of the clutter in my mind and heart and house and it is making me truly free. Skipping will set you free! I like the sound of that! It's a very important part of my therapy and I'm thrilled to share it!

Skip on Becki! Onward and upward! Just keep skipping and feeling great about yourself and watch the magic flood your life! You go girl!

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