Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I participate in a regular women's group called Women Praying Dangerously that I love a great deal! The group is led by the wonderful and talented Reverend Karen Junker who is in the process of starting a new church in San Francisco. The idea is to fully invite spirit into our hearts and lives...Giving it permission to take the things that no longer serve us away from us so we can be the best we can be...It's all about boldly opening to and welcoming profound change.

In addition to upping the anti on my prayer life, participating in a group of women in this way has opened my heart and shifted my life in profound ways! I never had much of a structured prayer life before we started meeting about a year ago...and now my prayer life is rich and juicy and deep and daring and bold.

Today I feel inspired to share an excerpt from the book Praying Dangerously which is written by Regina Sara Ryan....and to invite you to take dangerous prayer for a test drive in your own life! Just be sure to hold on! This practice should not be taken lightly. It can really shake things up!

"Deliver us, O God, O Truth, O Love, from quiet prayer
from polite and politically correct language,
from appropriate gesture and form
and whatever else we think we must put forth to invoke or praise You.

Let us instead pray dangerously
Let us not hold back a little portion,
dealing out our lives--our precious minutes and our
energies--like some efficient accountant.

Let us ask for nothing less that the Infinite to ravage us.
Let us ask for nothing less than annihilation in the
Fires of Love

Let us not pray in holy half measures nor walk
the middle path for too long,
but pray madly, foolishly.
Let us be too ecstatic,
let us be undone.

Let us say YES again and again and again
and YES some more.
Let us pray dangerously,
The most dangerous prayer is YES.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Skip on!

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