Sunday, March 12, 2006

Day Twenty-One

Well I made it...I've reached the 21st day of my 21-day experiment. I did manage to get my practice in the last several days...Thursday I meditated...Friday I did yoga...and yesterday and today I skipped!

Yesterday's skipping outing was completely spontaneous. I was shopping in Union Square and the skipping spirit took over. I love skipping on busy San Francisco streets. I don't look at anyone...I just fully and completely get lost in the joy of the skip.

Today's skipping adventure was with two good friends. We were at a party and walked out so I could show them my new car....They were ooing and awing and I said, "I love it!" and spontaeously started skipping...Before I knew it the tree of us were skipping together down the sidewalk...Skipping with friends is even better than skipping solo!!!

In the next day or so I will share some observations from my 21-day experiment and how I feel it has shifted things in my life for the better! Until then, skip on!

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