Thursday, March 02, 2006

Day Eleven

I did my 10-minute meditation before bed last night...barely! My mind was wandering and I had a hard time focusing. But I did it and that counts!

Other than saying I did yoga during my lunch hour and my love affair with that practice grows deeper with every class, I'm not going to write about my 21-day experiment today. Instead, I'd like to share part of an email I got from a recently inspired skipper named Susan who lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Susan found after her own love for skipping inspired her to want to start her own skipping movement in her area.

I love it that I am not the only person who has been profoundly struck by skipping inspiration. ...My favorite part of having is getting to tell the stories of inspired skippers everywhere. People like Extreme Gene and Dave May and Ashrita Furman and Producer Jeff Lester!

Susan has great energy and an inspired vision for skipping in Pittsburgh! She's all geared up to bring spring in with a skip in her step....She's already spreading the word and enjoying the positive reactions that inevitably come with a conversation about skipping....

There is snow on the ground now, but Spring is not too far away. I was at the first meeting of a woman's support group the other night, and at one point I mentioned that I wanted to start skipping with others, and as soon as the word left my lips, this burst of joy just spouted from everyone. It was incredible. One woman said she had just the day before re-discovered skipping. IT IS SOMETHING EVERYONE REALLY LOVES, and you know it! Skip on, my friend, Susan

If you are a skipping spirit who would like to skip with Susan in Pittsburgh this spring, send her an email and introduce yourself! Or if you are an inspired skipper who wants to organize a skipping club in your area, email me and tell me your skipping story!

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