Monday, April 03, 2006

Becki in Florida is totally inspiring me with her commitment to skip every day! As those of you who are regular readers know, i did my own 21-day experiment a few weeks ago....But I ended up doing very little actual skipping. My intention (as soon as it stops raining here in San Francisco) is to get out there and start skipping at least a couple times a week. It is soooo good for my soul. I don't know why I don't do it all the time!

Here's the latest update I received from Becki..... Her atittude about getting people to join her skipping club is perfect! Group skips are all about quality and not quantity....It is simply too confronting for most adults to skip down the street! I find that reality incredibly sad....which is why my life mission is inspiring more and more people to start skipping...and to invite as many people as possible to join them! If you are a skipping spirit, SKIP ON and don't let yourself be deterred by people who don't get it! The world needs your positive skipping energy now more than ever!! Now, here's Becky.....

By the way, I'm 13 days I think into my experiment. Cutting out the coffee was no problem, Skipping is a little different. I think I'm over the hump. I'm finding that my inner skip is the little voice in my head that says, "You can do it! Go for it! Get out there!" I'm not afraid of what people think for the most part. Once in a while I cringe when I see someone that I deem "important". Then a few seconds later I say, "C'mon! Skip with me!" Some join in, some say, "not for me". I'm able to skip longer distances now. I get a lot of ribbing from my circle of my hubby's friends. I think they want to skip, they're just timid. I always leave an open invitation anywhere I go and I leave a little skipping card (business card) that has the time and date of the next group skip. I'm not worried about people joining the club, I just want them to skip or come skip with me. SOme one told me this weekend that he thinks I'm like an alcoholic that doesn't want to drink alone, he wants people to drink with him. I'm like a skipper that doesn't want to skip alone. I don't know if I agree with that. Some days I like to skip alone. It's cleansing to my soul. I do want people to experience what I'm experiencing with my skipping journey. I feel like I have found something fun, healthy and therapeutic and of course I want to share it with everyone.

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