Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Yet another inspired skipper found this week. I am sharing her email and my response to hopefully paint a clearer picture of how you too might be able to get involved in the skipping movement! Email me if you are interested in starting a skipping club in your area!

I love the idea of skipping. I used to do it all the time. My best friend and I still do on occasion when we are being silly. Just thinking about it makes me smile. Thanks for starting this movement. I am going to start the movement in my area! --Amy in Anchorage, Alaska

Amy, I would love to support your local skipping efforts on! If you organize a group skip or a skipping club, etc. we can work together to create an Anchorage page on the website.

Tell me more about what you want to create! There are so many different ways to get people together to skip. Are you looking for people to skip for serious fitness? For fun? To raise awareness about something positive? To spread positive energy?

Skipping Clubs have taken many forms...A fundraising skip for a cause where you get kids and parents involved... A one time group skipping event in a public place... Regular walking/skipping groups that meet in the mornings....Individuals who skip long distances for a cause....One or two people who go out with the simple intention of promoting skipping...Etc!

Getting people to do group skips can be more challenging than you might think! But it sure is fun trying! The quality of people that come to the skip is amazing. Almost by definition, people have to be willing to tap into their free spirited, positive energy side in order to participate! Don't know about you, but I want as many people like that in my life as possible right now.

My best advice if you want to start a local skipping club/movement is (1) get out there and start skipping as much as you can yourself and talk to as many people about your skipping plans as you can (2) work with me to create an page on the website that introduces you as the skipping club president and shares your vision for a local "movement" (3) prepare for magic to happen, enjoy the ride, and see what happens!!

Let me know if you want to create your own skipping chapter webpage and I'll send you some profile questions to get you started. I'd also need at least one picture of you skipping. Skip on Soul Sister!

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