Day FourteenOne of the things I love about this spiritual path I am questing to skip down is how often the right book, message, or teacher comes along at precisely the right time.
I "fell off the wagon" the past couple of days as far as my
21-day experiment goes. I haven't written blog entries because I didn't do a practice so didn't want to write anything either.
Friday night after work I pulled everything out of my closet and reorganized it. It was a deep, cathartic process that felt very symbolic emotionally. But by the time I was done I was too tired to meditate or do yoga so I blew it off.
I had every intention of getting right back on the wagon yesterday, but somehow the entire day went by without me doing one of my practices or a blog entry again. When I woke up this morning, I was beating myself up for not keeping my word and was a little worried about being able to get back in my spiritual groove.
This morning I attended a gathering organized by Karen Junker, an inspired minister friend who is starting a new church. It's called "house church" because we are meeting in people's living rooms. Karen gave a powerful sermon and challenged us to intentionally stop at scheduled times during our day to acknowledge spirit. A huge part of her teaching was about forgiving ourselves when we inevitably fail in our spiritual practices!
She read this from
A Course in Miracles..."The Holy Spirit is not delayed in His teaching by your mistakes. He can be held back only by your unwillingness to let them go. Let us therefore be determined to be willing to forgive ourselves for our lapses in diligence, and our failures to follow the instructions for practicing the day's idea. This tolerance for weakness will enable us to overlook it, rather than give it power to delay our learning. If we give it power to do this, we are regarding it as strength, and are confusing strength with weakness."
Wow...What a concept...Karen drove the point home when she said,"If we can forgive ourselves for not practicing perfectly we might actually practice!" How perfect is that!? I came home and did Rodney Yee's
Power Yoga...and here I am catching up in my blog. Onward and upward! God is good! The
21-day experiment continues.