Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I am feeling really good right now! It's been quite a day.

After a really busy and productive day at work, I went to the Red Room Writer's Society ( and made good progress on the book I am writing. On the drive back, I thought about how great it would be to go for a quick skip when I got home since I've been wanting to get my skipping groove back for quite some time.

When I got home I started doing what I've done for the past several months when it comes to exercise. I sat on the couch and thought about all the reasons I should to out skipping. I thought about how great it would make me feel to do it...I just sat on the couch and thought. Before I knew it half an hour had gone by and I hadn't moved a muscle!!

The difference between tonight and multiple others before it is that after about 45 minutes, I actually put my shoes on and went out the door! I put Queen's Fat Bottom Girls on my ipod and was off and skipping. I skipped down the huge hill that is near my house...and went for about five blocks. Then I turned around and climbed back up the hill....I skipped a few steps at a time on the way up, but in general uphill skipping isn't my favorite!

It felt great to go out and skip for no reason...Last night I went skipping, but there was somewhere I had to be. Tonight, I skipped because I love to skip...and it felt great! Skip on!

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