Thursday, October 13, 2005

This email from a skipper in Florida made me smile...

I love to skip and get friends skipping when we're walking somewhere in a group. I will now do it more often. In fact, I will add skipping to my daily spiritual practice! I want to read more on your website since I am admittedly an infrequent skipper. One holdback being I "think" I should only do it when wearing a bra... not to scare onlookers *smile* luckily if I am walking in a group with others, we're usually out in public in a parking lot on our way somewhere so I have one on anyway :)

Ladies, it is true that bouncing boobs can be a skipping hazard! When I did a lot of radio interviews about my quest to make skipping a more acceptable thing for adults to do, the morning disc jockeys used to love to ask me about this very topic! I told them that I'm such a bouncey skipper that I often double bag em' by wearing a sports bra and a regular bra! :-) That always got a laugh!

It is really fun to invite a group of people you are walking with to join you for a skip. That's actually how I first started skipping. I was out on a Friday night with my friend's Todd and Rudy when Rudy broke into a skip and said, "let's go!" Todd and I didn't miss a beat and before I knew it the three of us were skipping, laughing, and having a ball.

I hadn't skipped since I was a kid and an entire vision of starting a national skipping movement flashed through my mind. I thought about how much fun I was having, how it had to be great exercise, and how I could start skipping groups in San Francisco and tell the media about it!

I didn't take action on my vision for two more years after that first skip, but when i did, it came true! What a long strange skip it has been.

I'd like to encoruage you to invite someone else to skip with you the next time you are out for a walk! When you do write me at and tell me all about it! Skip on!

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