Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day!!

If there ever was a day that is perfect for skipping, this is it! I just couldn't let the day go by without doing a post. So I thought I'd share this fun email I got from a delightful woman who lives in Hawaii...

We are kindred spirits! When my daughters were growing up, they used to be so embarrassed when I would break out skipping in public. Then, they finally took it all to heart and thought I would think that skipping class would be equally fun, so we didn’t skip for awhile. Now, everyone has grown up … except our skipping together. I am serious. -Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy

Yay! Skip on Katie!

1 comment:

Pippa * Jeanne said...

Well, Skipper Kim! How glad I am that you stopped by my porch and through your visit opened up a whole new world for me! I am soooooooo excited to learn about skipping, or should I rather say, to return to skipping. I will be devouring your site the next few days, believe you me!

Thank you so much for the light you shine!
