Monday, September 25, 2006

You know how you read certain things and they click with you at a really deep level? Well, that's what just happened to me when I read an email from author James Twyman's mailing list with the subject line "Generation Yes!"

For a long time I've been thinking about how desperately our world needs the idealism and energy of the younger generation to join forces with the wisdom and wealth of the baby boomers to create positive change on this planet....James' email paints a picture of how that is beginning to happen in a beautiful way.

Here is an excerpt from his email....You can visit James' website to join his Beloved Community email list.... He writes...

I'm calling this group "Generation YES!" For the most part they are between the ages of 25 and 32, and are responsible for a mass movement toward spiritual values that millions of young people are responding to. They are artists and visionaries, musicians and filmmakers, and their contributions can be seen everywhere we look.

Here's one example. Last week at the 10th Annual Earthdance celebration in California I had the privilege of meeting a young musician named India Arie. Many of you already know India as the 12-time Grammy nominated musician whose latest album went to number one on the Billboard charts. If you listen to her music you'll also realize that she is part of a new generation of artists using their talent to inspire the world. Her spirit is overwhelming and her message universal. India is just one example of an artist who is using her gifts to change the world. She is without question part of the Generation YES!

You may remember the name given to the generation immediately preceding this one. They were called "Generation X" because they lacked direction and inspiration. Not true of Generation YES! I believe that the current social and political climate has only enhanced their dedication for promoting peace and justice around the world. The universe is conspiring to pull us from the divisive energies of separation into unity and compassion for all beings.

The question then becomes, how does this information apply to you? ...These young men and women have been entrusted with linking and binding all the other groups into a cohesive unit whose influence cannot be stopped. We need each other, and together we will shift the mainstream consciousness in a new and vibrant direction.

These young people have their own unique way of accessing spiritual wisdom and truths, and it's often not through books or seminars. Music, dance and art are the mediums in which they thrive, and they have the ability, as with India Arie, to create the necessary bridge between our spiritual selves and the mainstream population. I believe that this is their role, one that is so important today. That is also why we must find news ways to support their creativity, and, of course, to realize the same within ourselves.

His perspective reminds me a lot of one of the first books I publicized at New World Libray called The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You are Waking Up and Changing the World which describes the shift in consciousness that is gradually happening in our world.....Another book and concept that wildly inspire me! :-)

I think it is awesome that Twyman is focusing on empowering the 20-somethings of the world since they are the ones with the lion's share of the idealism and energy our world so desperately needs. I also realized as I read his description that Generation YES is who I am ultimately writing my book about saying YES to my skiping calling for...and that felt great to see! Yes! Yes Yes! Onward and upward together we CAN change the world! Here's to being a YES regardless of our age!

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