Thursday, August 17, 2006

This week at the gym I started a fun new skipping practice!

I still love to skip on the treadmill, of course, but this mixes it up a little bit and adds a bit of skipping variety! After all, variety IS the spice of life.

For the past several weeks, I have been doing about 15 minutes worth of yoga in the group exercise room after doing my cardio workout. There isn't a class going on during the time that I am there, so it works out perfectly.

This morning, my spirit said SKIP as I walked into the room. I had my ipod on and was listening to a happy, joyful song... So I started skipping around the exercise floor in big figure eights. There are a couple of big poles in the middle of the room and I weaved in and out of them and had so much fun!

My inspiration for my skip actually came a couple of days ago when there was a guy doing a variety of what looked like boxing footsteps up and down the exercise room floor. One of his drills were extremely high skipping steps....and then skipping backward on the way back!

Skipping before work is a delightful way to start the day. It helps get my energy tuned into a positive vibration that almost always stays with me throughout my day! The next time you are at the gym and there isn't a group exercise class happening, I dare you to use that space for some skipping fun! You won't be sorry! Skip on!

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