Thursday, August 24, 2006

I just love it when I get emails from first time skippers like this one....

Hi Kim. Yesterday, while at work I was looking for exercises on the Internet. I came upon your skipping website and decided that my girlfriend and I should start skipping during our nightly walk. So, last night when we turned the corner where there are no houses we started skipping. It was so funny we had to stop and hold our sides. She could not get her knees up to skip. But I could so every time we turned that corner I skipped a little bit farther each time. We had so much fun. She is going to practice today so that we can both skip together tonight. It sure has made my day today because everytime I think of last night I start to laugh....Sheila

Here is my response...

Hi Sheila. Yay! Thank you for taking the time to write and share your personal skipping experience! Isn't it fun and fabulous?!

As you experienced first hand, skipping is such a great way to add fun and variety to your walking workout! It burns twice as many calories which really adds up with every skip you take! I hope you and your friend will keep on skipping on!!

If you are a long time skipper or just starting out, I would love to hear from you! Take a moment to email me and share your skipping experiences. Skip on!!!

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