Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Last night I received this email from a skipper in the Midwest. Wow! Talk about a powerful testimony about how skipping can uplift our spirits and change our lives for the better.

I did a websearch for the term: "if I could find just one" .... and somehow found your page. I'm a 49 year old business man, and yes I do skip. Several years ago one of my brothers committed suicide and I went into depression.

After losing nearly everything I once owned because life didn't seem worth striving for, I decided I wasn't going to do myself in the way my brother had and I was too physically healthy to think I might be lucky enough to die soon, so I chose life.I began skipping to force myself up out of the depression I was in, even if it made me look ridiculous to observers.
Well, I had nothing really left to lose at the time so it really didn't matter what observers thought or even said.

I want to share that I have done a pretty darn good job of rebuilding my life, and now that I even own a farm I still skip and there are no observers to laugh. I own a construction company and everyone in the local area knows that I work daylight to dark, but what they don't know is that at 5:30 a.m. I am outside skipping, jogging and singing to help to give me the stamina to make it through the frustrations of the day.
Well, thanks for your webpage, it means something.

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