Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This past weekend I went back to Indiana to attend my 20th high school reunion...and had a super fabulous time. I graduated from Carmel High School in 1987!

Interestingly, I had dreamt about attending my reunion many times before the actual event, and I must say that the real thing far surpassed my wildest dreams. It was great fun to see everyone again.

Being from Indiana, my life path has ended up looking vastly different than the majority of my classmates. Most of them are happily married in the Midwest with at least a kid or two. It's funny, because part of me has always wished that was how my life would have turned out. I would have liked nothing more than to have found the right guy in Indiana so I could have settled down to live happily ever after, but it seems that life had a far different plan for me...and so I find myself out here on the left coast having never been married and living footloose and free.

My high school reunion ended up being a lovely reminder of how each of our lives and hearts call us in such unique and different directions...I left Indiana this weekend with a feeling of peace and contentment about who I have become in the world. Instead of wishing for the life my midwestern roots sometimes make me feel I "should" have, I feel happy and content to be right where I am. What a blessing!

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