Wednesday, October 10, 2007

There was a new moon tonight...and I had my second new moon manifestation circle in San Francisco! There were eight women there this month...and it was wonderful once again!

My fabulous friend Cathy helped facilitate the group...and she led us in an amazing energetic exercise where we first got clear about some of the limiting beliefs that habitually arise when we set intentions for ourselves and our lives....and then we released them. We focused on how the fear, self-doubt, shame, judgement, etc. that gets in our way feels in our body...and imagined cutting energetic ties with it through the power of our minds. It was a truly powerful exercise!

Then we got crafty with images and created collages that we got to take home with us as visual reminders of our intentions. It was a wonderful new moon night. May all of our intentions be realized.

The full moon is on Friday October 26th this month...and the next new moon is Friday November 9th!

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