Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tonight on Dancing with the Stars Willa Ford and her partner went to ride a carousel as a treat after spending hours in the studio learning the waltz. She started skipping as they approached the merry-go-round and said this about the waltz, "It is this beautiful up and this beautiful down. It reminds me of my childhood. Of this beautiful love story I wished would happen to me."

Inspired in large part by that show, not to mention my dearest Dimitri, I recently started taking West Coast Swing dancing lessons. It's something I have wanted to do for a long time and it feels good to finally be doing it. I am reminded of how important and challenging it can be to let ourselves be a beginner. Interesting since as children we were beginners all the time and didn't think anything of it...We fell down and we got back up and it wasn't a big deal. Just like skipping, it seems to me that as adults we lose our natural willingness to learn by trial and error far too often.

When was the last time you tried something completley new? I can't recommend it highly enough...and would love to hear your stories of starting a new hobby if you want to email me and share!

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