Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In Monday's posting I shared an email from a new skipper named DeeDee. I got another email from her yesterday that made me SMILE even more! She says.....

I live in Missouri in the very southeastern part of the state, about 7 miles north of Arkansas. I am going to start skipping on a regular basis around my horse pasture where I have about a mile trail around the circumference of my property. I have 7 dogs, 5 of which go with me and they are not quite sure what to make of my "funny hopping run". I will keep you posted on my progress with skipping. People need to do more things for fun and just because it feels good vs. what the latest fashion trends are and the price tag.

The reason I love DeeDee's email so much is that it proves that skipping is NOT just a San Francisco thing! So many times when I tell people about my skipping quest, they say, "Well maybe in San Francisco but not anywhere else!" But that's simply not true! There are adults who love to skip all over the world! Sure, most only do it for fun in the moment and don't think twice about it..... But increasing numbers are realizing the physical fitness benefits.......AND the freedom that comes when we can stop worrying so damn much about what everyone else MIGHT think about us!!!! Skip on DeeDee!!

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