Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wow. It's hard for me to believe it's already the end of January! It's been quite a month...a wonderful, magical, start to 2007. I am very excited to see what all this year will hold.

On the 17th of this month, I turned 38....and am full of gratitude that my life is going so great. I moved out of my studio apartment in the city where I lived for the 10 years I have been in California and am now living in beautiful Marin County. I LOVE IT! It feels so great to be out of the madness of the city and to have nature all around me.

There is a lovely lagoon right behind my condo and I must say that skipping alone in nature seems to suit me much better than skipping in public places these days. Not that I don't look back at my big city skipping days complete with mega-phone, cape, and crown and smile a big happy smile! It's just that my skipping is increasingly becoming more about my own personal spiritual practice and less about an evangelical mission. Nothing energizes my spirit like skipping does! Of course, I still plan on organizing group skipping outings in San Francisco from time to time, but for now my heart is here in Marin and loving every minute of it.

I also joined the local YMCA and have been doing some skipping there. In fact, I discovered a whole new way to skip this week! Skipping laps in the swimming pool! I got the inspiration as I watched some older people slowly bobbing from one end of the pool to the other...and when I started skipping, I couldn't stop! I felt like Forest Gump when he couldn't stop running. I skipped about 10 laps before the pool closed...and could have done 10 more! I highly recommend under water skipping. It's a ton of fun! Skip on!

1 comment:

h2osign4u said...

Hi Kim,
Gratz on your move. Hope you're lovin' it. All's well here in the East. I want a hug.