Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

This past Saturday night I attended an event called SPIRAL DANCE for the first time. It's organized by bestselling author Starhawk and celebrates the day of the dead. There was an altar where you could write the name of people you know who have died....and another that celebrates the birth of new babies. Apparently during this time of year, the veil between the living and dead is thinner than normal, so this is a powerful time to connect with all things spiritual.

There were hundreds upon hundreds of people there. We sang a lot of songs and watched dancers perform while we waited for the Spiral Dance itself to happen. During the Spiral Dance, everyone holds hands to create a huge line of people that spiral and weave around the big open space of the pavillion where the event was held. There were a couple of different things you could sing... One went, "Let it begin with each step we take. Let it begin with each change we make. Let it begin with each chain we break. Let it begin every time we awake" or you could sing rounds of "Let it begin now. Let it begin now" or rounds of "We are alive. We are alive."

As the chain of people weaved around the floor, we all looked into each others eyes as we sang the song of our choice in harmony. It was an incredibly moving and powerful experience. So many people gathered with the intention of sending healing, positive energy to the earth and our world! I just love partipating in these kinds of events. It feels great to focus my energy and thoughts toward my desire of making the world a happier place.

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